>From:    Dee Eisenman <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret bowl, Ferretguy
>To Randy, I do not condone shots performed by anyone but a licensed vet
>(in case of reactions) BUT I also do not condone anyone sending you
>flaming emails, probably filled with profanity and threats.  BIG is
>correct that nobody flamed you on the FML BUT I am sure he is not aware
>of the nastiness you have rec'd. privately?
Randy received no threats.  No profanity.  No flames.  BIG is very aware of
exactly what email Randy got.
Would you care to see all of it?  You will find nothing that even resembles
a flame.  Nor a threat.
>I just want you to know that although my thoughts on this are different,
>I can only imagine the nastiness you must be receiving.
I am absolutely positive you are imagining far worse than he received.
>[Moderator's note: I'll have to talk to Randy about it.  Posts which were
>forwarded to me were quite civil!  True, some people have been flamed, but
>I'm not sure it's fair to assume that has to be the case.  BIG]
You are wise O-BIG-Wan Keno-BIG...
Yes.  That entire post for that bad "pun"
Pity you're not going to Ferrets 2000 -- you and Bob C. could have a
"punning" contest :-)  BIG]
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Peta and the ferret letters
>I believe that it is largely through PETA that Marshall Farms could not
>do the puppy mill atrocities in France.  I am grateful.  Really grateful.
>They have done some wonderful things, guys.
In that case, Peta and their pseudo-seperate bunch the ALF made death
threats against French governmental officials and Marshall employees.  It
is hard to be grateful for their methods.
>But their stance on the ferret issue with me was that they were going to
>lie, leave things out, twist words, support false beliefs, and do whatever
>it took to keep ferrets from being legalized in California, or recognized
>as a domestic animal.
It is odd that you believe them on the evils of Marshall but not on their
opinions of ferrets.  There is little to make any of their information on
ferrets credible.  Their stories about Marshall are just as false.
>But these tiny helpless beings do not deserve to be lied about.
We agree with you.  Perhaps you should not believe the lies about Marshall
Both of these notes are tied with the theme of people believing the worst
about others.  Perhaps a more ferret like optimism would make for a happier
life for all.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3170]