-I will not steal the insoles out of Dad's shoes and then shred them.
-I will not stick my head through the blinds to see what's outside.
-I will not poo in the shower when Dad's in there with me.
-I will not poo on my brother because he is beating me up.
-I will not suck the cotton stuffing out of my toys.
-I will not eat all the pineapple off Mom's pizza when she's not paying
-I will not steal 37 socks and stash them behind the chair again.
-I will not swing from lampshades in motel rooms at two in the morning
 when Mom & her friends have to get to the showhall by 6am for the
Phred and the dirty dozen
Earlicks and toe bitings to all.
[Posted in FML issue 3169]