My name is Amber and I'm a 19 year old college student from upstate New
York.  I became fascinated with ferrets when I began working at a pet store
in May, and have wanted one since that first furry slinky nestled into my
arms for an afternoon nap.
I share an apartment with my boyfriend, Steve, and we both love animals.
He wanted a ferret as much as I did, but wanted to wait until our 3 rats
perish before doing so.  He was fearful that we wouldn't be able to provide
enough attention for a cat, 3 rats, and a ferret.  However, all fears and
careful planning were thrown to the wind last Sunday..
We had returned from a camping trip in the Andirondack Mountains and I
asked Steve if we could just "window shop" for some ferrets at the pet
store I work at.  We went in with empty arms and left with a tiny chocolate
sable sprite and a $254 bill on my Discover card.  ;) We named her Sitra
(we pronounce it 'see-tra'), which I believe translates to "daughter of
I am amazed.  I'm so used to animals with indifferent personalities.  My
cat forces herself onto my lap when she wants me.  My rats are content to
ride around on my shoulders for a little bit each day and spend the rest
of their time playing amongst themselves.  But Sitra actually wants my
attention, she seeks it.  When I come home from work, she hops around
excitedly, waiting for me to take her out and engage her in a round of
mock-fighting.  When she's worn herself out, she chooses to nestle herself
into my arms rather than her cuddly sleep sack.  She's simply so
intelligent, so full of personality..  I can't believe there's so much is
in such a tiny, furry package!  :)
Well I've been playing with her for the past 3 hours and I'm so tired that
I can barely see straight, so I think this ends my introduction.  I hope
to make new friends and learn valuable information during my subscription
to the FML.  :)
Until next time,
Amber (homo sapiens), Jasmine (felis catus), Callisto (rattus norwegicus
domesticus), Isis (rattus norwegicus domesticus), Willow (rattus norwegicus
domesticus) and Sitra (mustela furo)
[Posted in FML issue 3169]