Thank you for the article info from PETA on Petco and Marshall Farms.  I
just read it.  Sunny was left in the back room to die.It is just like the
article Dee commented on.  His brother and sister were also left in the
back and were already dead.
I did not realize this is what all Petco employees are told to do.  I did
not know this was on a corporate level.
Read about the 72 charges of cruelty against Mr. Marshall from Marshall
Farms, and their continued neglect of animals even after this.  I read PETA
stuff on-line about 2 years ago, but this was not there at the time.  Well
EVen non-newbes should read this to learn about Petco and remember the
atrocities cited with Marshall Farms.  The holocaust is never to be
forgotten.  People locked away in ghettos and then death camps.  We need
to know, refresh our memories of these atrocities, and teach our children.
This inhumanity cannot be allowed to ever happen again.
I believe that the same is true with animal atrocities.  Who are we to say
that their lives and suffering are of any less importance??  God loves ALL
his creation.
We need to first know that problems exist.  Read about them, see the
pictures, read what eye-witnesses testify to.  I will have a number of
children with me this weekend.  We will look at this site and talk about
what we have read.  What can WE do??  A number of things.  Read the
Thank you for sharing this site Dee.  If I had not recieved info from PETA
several years ago--an organization I no longer support as there are others
that are more in line with my thinking-I never would have learned of the
other organizations I now belong to.  And I would not have learned of pet
store and MF atrocites.  PETA has had its own share of activities that
cannot reasonably be condoned.  But the pictures and eye witness reports
in the articles Dee would have us read are not to be ignored.
Because I DID learn, I was able to go from pet store to pet store to make
friends with the employees.  Their trust in me has made me able to save the
lives of several animals--including Sunny.
******But I had to read about the animal nightmare that exists first.******
You can do the same thing.  The life of even one ferret could be saved.
Maybe many.
Thanks again Dee.
[Moderator's notes:
1) A reminder that general PETA discussions are not appropriate for the
   FML.  As they pertain to ferrets, however, is OK.
2) Pointers to these PETA articles first appeared on the FML in 1998 or
   perhaps even earlier.  A search of the archives might prove instructive.
Thanks!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3168]