Has anyone been having a problem lately with food beung stuck in the
roof of their ferrets mouth?  I feed a mix of 8 in 1, Totally Ferret and
Eukanuba.  The Totally Ferret and the 8 in 1 has been getting wedged in
the roof of their mouths.  I see them struggling and pawing trying to get
it out.  I open their mouths and stick my finger up and loosen it for them.
This seems to be a recent problem only though.  In 5 years I never saw Any
of them with food stuck until recently.
Also.  I saw some posts about 8 in 1 supermarket food.  It is NOT the same
company as 8 in 1 Pet Store Food.  8 in 1 Supermarket brands are a Pet Food
and Toy Company.  Unfortunately I read the box and the ferret food is not
that good.  But I would like to say, Even Though people say that its
"horrible" Food, Isnt it better that Unknowledgeable Ferret Owners see a
ferret on the box and maybe at least switch from Kitten Chow or God Knows
what else may be being fed?  At least its a "better" food for a ferret that
say..  Tender Vittles.  I know that Totally Ferret is a Good Food and I
also see people bashing 8 in 1 Ultra (pet Store Food).  Well Let me just
tell You..  My ferrets have been eating 8 in 1 Ultra for Years..  Only
somewhat in the past year or so, I started Mixing the food.  Woobie will
NOT Touch 8 in 1 Ultimate (The Good One) even though its made by the same
company.  That doesn't mean Im a bad ferret Mommy and My ferrets are happy
and Healthy (Except for Woobie, due to cancer running through his whole
body, most likely NOT Caused by his 8 in 1)
On Another Note..  Woobie is Doing OK.  Hes not thriving like he was on
the carafate.  I think it is not helping him as much as it was in the
beginning.  Hes still eating, but not as much and is trying to play but
gets tired out in like 5 minutes.  This morning he was wide awake and
hanging out on his sleep sack and as he was sitting there, he let out a
little cry.  I think he is starting to be in pain..  This may be the
beginning of the end.  I don't want my little baby to suffer.  If any of
you don't know.  He's a Male Marshalls Ferret, 6 years old, has cancer of
the Liver and Spleen and no surgery is recommended due to his age because
he will most likely not make it through.  He is the first ferret I ever
had (I now have 4) He was bought and returned to a pet store by someone
who's Grandson was not taking care of him properly, and I bought him
because the pet store said I'll give him to you for $50.00 because no one
wants and adult ferret.  So I grabbed him and he's been loved and spoiled
like a baby for the past 5 years.
Sharon McLaughlin (Smaccie) aka (Heartbroken Mommy)
Woobie, Princess, Mystic and Crystal
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[Posted in FML issue 3167]