Hiya folks,
Thanks to Julie Fossa's quick eye and concern for accuracy (well-founded),
I realize I mis-printed the dosage for epinephrine.  A double check this
evening confirmed that the usual dosage of epinephrine is 0.1 cc/kg of
body weight, which would have made Gus's dose 0.2 cc, rather than the
2 cc I stated yesterday.  I apologize for that inaccuracy, and I hope that
anyone having epinephrine on standby will double check with their vet
before the necessity of administering it.  Make sure you have that info on
hand because at the moment that you need it, your brain is pretty much not
functioning well enough to trust memory.  Sorry if I gave anyone the wrong
idea, and please, always check with your vet before giving any meds on the
advise of a non-vet, because of mistakes like this.
Sherry and her Merry Mob
[Posted in FML issue 3167]