It has been a week since Bandit was helped to the Bridge.  Ten months since
Cujo crossed over.  An old song said "Ain't it funny how time slips away?"
Time may slip away, but the memories are fresh.  I see things around the
house that they did, or Snowball or Valentine will do something that
reminds me of them, and a sadness slips over me.  Each day, I go out and
lay a hand on each grave, side by side, and tell them I love and miss them.
 To those who sent notes and e-cards, THANK YOU!!!
To the shelter Moms and Dads, my deepest admiration goes out to you.  How
you can hold together when little ones slip away moves me.  We will care
for and love the two we have, but I'm not sure we will ever have others.
Too hard to lose them.  We get too attached.  Those able to care for, and
nurse, and nurture, and then go on when a loss comes are truly remarkable.
We stand in awe.  Lucky are the fuzzies that find their way to your care.
We wish you whatever blessings and rewards come to you.
Charlie, Aggie, Donna, Snowball, Valentine
Missing Cujo and Bandit
[Posted in FML issue 3166]