Sorry for the delay - phone lines were out most of the weekend...
>From:    Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: allergies, foods, genetics, Mike Janke
>I disagree about mitts.  There are marked feet which sometimes show up
>with WS head markings though I don't know if they are caused by the same
>things, but have seen clean mitts along with clean bibs and such reverse
>markings which seem to very possibly not be at all related to WS.
We might not really disagree.  Have you seen those on a ferret that wasn't
a black or a grey or a silver?  That is mitts on a sable, chocolate,
champagne or cinnamon seem to be Waardenburg.  Those on a silver or black
mitt might not be.  Some breeders have polluted the black/silver mitts to
the point that it really is hard to find a mitt that doesn't exhibit some
Waardenburg traits separate from the mitt traits but they do exist.  That
pollution is why we are not as sure enough of the black/silver genetics as
we are of the other colors.
>Till there are the number needed in great enough amounts any genetic
>statements have to be taken with a grain of salt.  Let's not get ahead of
Perhaps some breeders are ahead of the curve.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3165]