Hehehe... I ONLY know the answer to this one thanks to Mary (our wonderful
shelter mommy here in State College)... My bella was , when I got her
sort of a wierd sable silver colour... later I learned her colour is/WAS
Silver-Mitt... I have had her for two years and a few months ago I began
to notice that her coat was rapidly changing... I was worried about this
change, what could it mean?  HELP, Mary is it NORMAL for ferrets to CHANGE
colour??  yes, she said... especially silver-mitts and she said Bella will
probably be a dark eyed white before long... she is now closer to a marked
white... but in addition to her changing colour... her fuzzy stuff has
gotten MUCH softer!!  She is such a sweetie... I dont think it was her
diet, or her environment or anything of the sort ( I could be wrong)... I
think this change is just a natural occurance in silver-mitts... and to be
honest, I LOVE IT!!  She was cute before, but now... oh what a cutie-pie!
I guess that's it!
Bella:  Mommy, quit talkin bout me!  and i was just fine before this wierd
Stuey:  Bella has some funny hair, bella has some funny hair!  *snicker*
Yoshi:  Stuey, you better quit it!  Yer bein a mean head... bella is pretty
*kisses bella*.
Pugsley:  Oh wouldja quit ooin and awein over that little monkey... look at
me, look at me!!!
Dharma:   *lounges*... I will be a movie star someday... and then people
will say... "bella who?"
and me... peace keeper and guardian of the treats!
OH yeah... and about the ferrets at an inexpensive price!  I recently asked
a local pet store to lower the price on a ferret (mary its the SAME ferret
I called the Animal person about) that now has fleas, is scratching boo
boo's on its belly, is in PINE shavings all by herself and she has a feeder
with a spout that goes straight DOWN towards the ground (she has to lie
on her back to drink) she is a total sweetie but is much older than the
"babies" that they continue to get in and is not as desireable as the
"babies" so she remains in these aweful conditions... I only have $40$ at
this time and the current price is down to $80$... I will have enough to
get her on monday ... but i really wanted to give her a "forever home" so
she dint have to live like that... and on the flip side... I dont feel
like this pet store should profit from the sale of ANY animal that they
mistreated... I CAN provide a wonderful, loving home for this ferret but
the store (to no surprise) is MUCH more interested in MONEY that the
welfare of their pets.  I just paid my entire MONTHS bills or I would have
had enough money to bring her home today when I realized she was still
there... I held her for about a half hour today... she only nipped me
once ... (because she had to potty)... I put her back in the tank they have
her in... she pottied and hopped right back towards me... I AM going to get
this ferret and ONLY because I want to rescue her and because I LIKE her
alot... Im going to bring her home on monday but ... I dont think, NO, I
KNOW that if the pet store had been willing to allow her to come home with
me at half the price I would still provide the BEST life I possibly can
for her... I mean the half price would not have given her HALF the love or
care... and MY home would have been a MILLION times better for her than
that aweful aquarium they have her in now!
She would have me... what fuzzy could want more?  I know I had a point but
I seem to have lost it... maybe one of my fuzzbutts took it to their hidey
hole... I'll check and I'll get back to you if I find it!  Sorry for
-STILL Betty... hehehe... *snicker*  <--- Stuey taught me that!
[Posted in FML issue 3190]