Press Release **   Lake Region Ferret Club   **
As many of you know from Stephanie Mudget's press release, Maine's First
Ferret Frolic will be held at Pet Quarters in Scarborough, Maine (right
close to the Maine Mall and just a block from the Maine Turnpike, I95)
from 1pm - 4pm Saturday, September 30.
Just to let everyone know, in case you are undecided as to whether or not
to attend, the Frugal Ferret made a trip to the Creative Resource Center
in Portland yesterday and found some neat stuff to sell at the Frolic.
She found shallow plastic pans that will make excellent litter pans for
travel cages.  And at 50 cents each, they are more practical than using
your Mother's Tupperware and you won't have to mortgage your home to
replace it ;).  In fact, if she hasn't already found out you are using her
Tupperware for a litter pan, now would be a good time to swap it out before
she discovers it is gone.
Ask any ferret, nothing is better than wallowing around in a drawer full of
socks and underwear.  What a feeling of security and warmth that provides.
Well, if you are tired of your co-workers making comments about the
peculiar aroma eminating from your socks, t-shirts and under things maybe
you should consider filling that drawer with scraps of polar tec fleece.
The cost of a bag of fleece scraps is worth the time it takes you to
re-launder the contents of their favorite drawer.  There will be a tub of
scraps available on site for test-wallows.
There will be pieces of tile that can be used under the litter pans you
have placed strategicly around your domicile.  They are not as efficient
as your carpet for those after-the-visit butt-stamps but they are easier
to clean than carpet.
To show our support of the New England Ferret Community, the Frugal Ferret
will share with everyone the location (and hours of operation) of the
Creative Resource Center so you too may have a Frugal Ferret in your
Here is the link if can't attend the Frolic on Saturday and you'd like to
make a virtual visit to the Creative Resource Center.
For the navigationaly challenged a limited supply of maps to the Center
will be available.
[Posted in FML issue 3190]