Hello all...
I just received my copy of Ferrets for Dummies from Amazon.com yesterday.
I'd had it ordered for a while and then suddenly this wonderful surprise
in the mail!!  I'd almost forgotten I'd ordered it!
What a truly wonderful book!  Thank you to you ALL that had a part in it.
I haven't had the opportunity to just sit and read it as yet but I've
certainly skimmed over a lot of the information and I know that the
information is great!  Just by reading the blurbs of praise in written by
many of you long-time extremely knowledgeable ferret people, that it has
to be one of the very best ferret books on the market today!!  I wish
something like this had been available when I first got ferrets...this
book may just save some fuzzie lives!!
I highly recommend that the readers of the FML run (don't walk!) to the
nearest book store for this book.  It needs to be a staple on the ferret
owner's bookshelf!!
Am off to read some more!
Barb and the 4 whirling dervishes...Gus, Zak, Hope and Bren!
[Posted in FML issue 3190]