Today I took my boxer in for a neuter and after I went to wash my hands
I noticed a very large ferret cage in the corner.  One of the techs had
brought her ferret there because one had died and she was lonely.  She is
so small compared to my Yoda!!  He is a great big chunk!  She was so small
and dainty.  I thought she was a baby until Dr. Thorne told me she was
three years old or so.  Anyway, I didn't tell Dr. Thorne I was going to
ask, but I noticed she was loosing hair on her tail.  Dr. Thorne commented
on it and I asked her about adrenal problmes and she said they had tested
her for that, but everything came back okay, and it is getting worse so it
isn't seasonal.
Does anyone know what it may be so I can point them in the right direction?
I just wanted to try to help them out.  Dr. Thorne is great with ferrets,
but she isn't an expert in the field of ferrets, so I thought maybe one of
you guys could help steer them in the right direction.  Any ideas?
Melissa Warren
Bossk       (fawn w/bl msk, wht mrkgs-4/01/97)
Lucas       (fawn w/bl msk, wht mrkgs-3/??/00)
Master Yoda (sable ferret w/blmsk, 1/1/96)
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Piedmont, AL  USA
Bossk's Den
[Posted in FML issue 3189]