Hi all
It seems I spoke to soon as we are suddenly buzy again.  This is not a
good thing.
A little guy came in today.  He said hiz name waz Baby.  He waz met by Max.
They were real happy to see each other and there waz a lot of rolling
around.  Then they got down to the news from home.  They wondered over to
da Fruit Bar and had a snack.  They ate a good bit of da rasins.  Then
they went on a tour of da place to see all da sights and do some exploring.
They looked at everything but went over to da Sock Steal game.  They
entered da game and were soon in da thick of it taking as many as they
could.  He waz not to bad at it but some of these little ones have been
playing this a long time so he needs a little practice at it to come up to
their level but he has it in him as he is a natural.  He said to tell mommy
he is sorry he had to go but he wanted to be with hiz buddy.  He said to
send lots of luv and plenty of hugs and kisses.
A little girl came in today.  She said her name waz Sabrina.  She waz met
by Pepper.  I introduced them as I don't think they had met.  He waz glad
to see someone from home and waz interested in da news from there.  They
wondered over to da Fruit Bar and had a snack while they talked.  Then they
went on a tour to see all da sights together.  But her real interest waz da
Ferretone Flood.  She went over there and waz sooon lapping up da ferretone
for all she waz worth.  I told her there waz plenty and she could have as
much as she wanted.  They didn't get into da surfing much although Pepper
did show her how it waz done.  She said to tell her mommy dat she luved her
bunches and to send lots of big ferrety kisses.
A little guy came in later.  He said hiz name waz Sherman.  He waz greeted
by Gizmo and Smudge.  They were glad to see him and were interested in da
gossip at home.  He filled them in and they were soon talking away.  They
wondered over to da Gravy Gourmet and had lunch while they talked.  Then
they showed him around and explained where everything waz.  They were soon
over at da Otter Slide and were sliding away.  They would hit da water with
big splash and a belly flop with water flying everywhere.  They soon got
themselves into a big water fight as some of da others took exception to
getting splashed without splashing back.  Water waz soon flying everywhere
and everyone had a great time.  He said to tell hiz mommy dat he is sorry
he had to go but when it is time it is time.  He said to send his luv and
lots of hugs and cuddles.
A little guy came in.  He said hiz name waz Spaz.  I gave him da tour of da
place and showed him where everything waz.  He waz really interested in da
Flying Lessons.  I set him up with an instructor and he waz soon soaring
away doing all kinda of aeobatics in da air.  His flying waz not to bad
but hiz landings sucked.  He is going to need a chiropractor to get all da
stuff back in da right place again.  He definately needs a little practice
on dat part.  He will get it though I think with a little practice.  He
tries to come in to fast and doesn't get hiz paws down in time to break hiz
fall and the next thing you know it is end over end.  He said to tell hiz
daddy dat he luved him bunches and to send a kisses and hugs hiz way.
They let all animals in here although they tend to hang around with their
own although there are exceptions.  No one is excluded.  My computer is due
for maintenance so I better get off.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3189]