>>From:    william killian <[log in to unmask]>
>>Subject: zen on seeing folks in Chicago and what is Marshall doing in
>>         California
>>And anyone going to the show that wants to meet for dinner Friday before
>>the show please write.  We are making plans and would love to see a bunch
>>of you when we won't be busy examining the small and furry beauties
>>during the show.
>Absolutely.  And I'll be easy to recognize, as I'll be the shortest person
>there unless you count the children.  Oh, the table of books will give me
>away also.
What's this about dinner on Friday night?  Sounds like fun.  Where is
everyone staying and I can figure out a place centrally located maybe.
I was hoping Bob could make it, but I think he's still recovering from
ferrets 2000.  Perhaps I'll give him one more shot............
[Posted in FML issue 3189]