>From:    Doug M <[log in to unmask]>
>Hi all..  I need some help..I'm hungary~ right?  Well I won't touch the MF
>food hardly and only like the treats...BANDIT Ferret treats and one other
>forgot the name.  I can't get him off them though I've only had him about
>2 weeks.... He is 18 weeks old now and I know he's hungary.
Please get your ferret on a decent diet of totally ferret ,all this fruit
and milk is unaceptable forhis little body,and you shouldn't be letting
him live off of marshalls bandits so please get him on a good diet.
Sounds like you need to do your research a little more on ferrets.
[Moderator's note: As I understood it, Doug was trying to get the ferret
to eat MF but all he wanted to eat was Bandit treats so he was looking for
suggestions to help make the transition.  BIG]
Tammy and her 3 Human kids,The Woozles Taffy,Sable,Mocha,Gidget,Pepe ,
Blaze,Casper and Zoey---Trapper,Gigi,Sassy,Missy and Shadow{The
Poodles},Chyna The Chow,Iggy The Iguana and {Our beloved Cocoa the chiuahua
and Slinky the Fuzzbutt,They now wait at rainbow bridge.}
[Posted in FML issue 3187]