Greetings all from CA!
Need some of everyone's expert medical advice.  My oldest (Winnie) has
previously had Insulinoma surgery and did fine for about two years after
that.She is now about 6 years old and for the last couple of months, she
has been showing obvious signs and symptoms of not only a re-occurence of
Insulinoma but also hair loss on her tail, which is probably Adrenal
Cancer.  My question is this......
I had previously had Winnie on Pedia-Pred (cherry flavored) because she
would not tolerate the straight prednisone liquid, even if I mixed it with
ferretone.  I have called several Pharmacies out here and they all tell
me that there is no such thing and that I need to call a "compounding
pharmacy" so they can flavor the prednisone.  This seems rediculous and I
would like to possibly add the additive myself but after speaking with my
Vet out here, we are not sure that is such a good idea; as it may change
the effectiveness of the Prednisone as well as if the additive has any
kind of sugar in it, it will defeat the purpose of the Prednisone.
I'm not totally conviced about putting her through another surgery and my
Vet wants to do a $300.00 ultrasound on her little belly and surgery will
be about another $800.00 bucks!  I could fly back to KC, have the surgery
done and play for a RT plane ticket, if only I could fly with Winnie out
of CA and back.
SO!  Any ideas, thoughts, CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions?  Also, what is an easy
weight-gaining suppliment for Winnie?  I have tried the Ferret glop that is
the same as hairball remedy and it's not really doing anything, except make
Winnie poop alot more than normal.
I previously tried feeding her Whipping Cream at the direction of my old
Vet with some success, except Winnie demands that it be room temperature!
Not cold, not temperature!  She is getting finicky in her
golden years.
I know about home concocted duck soup, chicken gravey stuff but being the
lazy bachelor that I am, I would much prefer something ready-made or at
least not quite so involved.
Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
Good health to you and yours!
[Posted in FML issue 3187]