>My 3 1/2 yr. old Sadi has developed a black sore on top of her head.  It
>looked like a play wound, then it would not react to antibiotic salve.
>The vet pickd (yes picked!) it off, said it may be a cyst, not to worry.
>He is good, but not a feret pro, a very competant man, not a ferret
>surgeon. He discarded the scab, I wanted it.  Anywy, the scab returned,
>lgr. than before, & not responding to dilute H2O2 pattings, Triple anti
>bio salve.  Is this that mass cell problem ?  Can you give me some
>input.  What are my options here?   I love her so much, she is my first &
>the most frail of my 3....I am sad & worried.  please reply.
Dear Patricia:
Sounds like a skin tumor - likely a benign sebaceous tumor, which generally
look scabby/warty, but could also be a mast cell tumor (which are generally
flat and scabby).  You can find more info on both at
Being as it is not responding to antibiotics (which tends to rule out your
typical infected scratch/scrape/fight wound, I think I'd go for surgery at
this point to remove it before it gets any bigger.  When you have a chronic
non-healing open wound (as many skin tumors become), it can serve as a
portal for bacteria and you can end up with a systemic bacterial infection,
which is a much worse problem.
A 3.5 year old ferret should be a good surgical candidate, even if she is
Don't worry - let's just remove the problem.  Oh, and make sure your vet
has it analyzed - while over 95% of skin tumors are benign, we want to
make sure that this one is as well.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM
P.S.  I am posting your question to the Ferret Mailing List for everyone's
benefit- it's a good one, and one I get a lot.  I'll anonymize it, however.
[Posted in FML issue 3186]