Lots of ADV stuff floating around.  Thanks to Dr. Wiliams for bringing this
issue into the spotlight at Ferrets 2000.  In reponse to the person asking
about whether ferrets will be exposed to ADV for research.  So far none
has (to the best of my knowledge).  The researchers have several pools of
infected ferrets from the Northeast, Midwest and Southwest that they have
been receiving blood samples from for study.  There are several groups of
researchers working on this virus, several proposals have been submitted
for review, and who will receive the grant will be decided on shortly.  A
major factor in distributing a grant will be the researchers desire to work
with previously infected animals rather than infecting new ones.
I have noticed that there are a great many shows coming up in the next few
months.  I am BEGGING you all to SPECIFICALLY ask what sanitation methods
will be used.  If the show producers are vague, do'nt go.  If they don't
specifically say "We are using Synphenol 3 to sanitize all areas which a
ferret may come in contact with, particularly during judging", leave your
ferrets home.  I have been to waaaayyyy too many shows with lackluster
sanitary procedures.  IMHO, after breeding, poor sanitation at shows is
the next most likely way of your ferret becoming infected.
I have actually spoken to one show producer who I quote, "We are not really
worried about the spread of ADV.  We don't think it is a problem.  We are
trying to raise money, and don't want to spend any more than we have to to
put the show on."  That was in response to my asking them to use Synphenol
3.  I hope that all the shows use stringent and proper sanitation, and that
they all are very successful...BUT, I think that failing to provide proper
sanitation in order to make a few extra dollars just shows where they
show's producers minds really are.  Pitiful that we should even have to
discuss this matter.  I would also suggest bringing your own Synphenol 3,
and making anyone who wants or needs to have contact with your ferret get
"sprayed" first.
Next, on to Kista's problem...
I took the liberty of speaking to an attorney who practices Internet law.
The response was:
As long as the statements were factual, and she is using the word alleged
if the woman wasn't convicted when describing charges, etc., and as long as
she is clearly presenting her opinion when describing the conditions, she
is protected under the first amendment.  He suggested removing the woman's
name, and references to her address, using only the town.  BUT he also
suggested scanning the letter the attorney sent and posting that on the
web site, thus the attorney reveals his clients name, not Kim <beg>.  Even
if the warrant was defective, that has no bearing on this situation.
Kim was reporting news, and thus is protected under the same rights as a
reporter for the NY Times.  However, she also must live up to the same
My suggestion is that if the lawyer continues to harrass her, she should
go to the ACLU for help.  They LOVE first amendment cases.
Also, just a note that Fuzztek Central has some great ferrets for adoption,
most under 2 years, many colors and patterns (BEW, silvers, several blazes,
mitts, etc.) We don't ship, but are centrally located in NJ, less than 90
minutes from SE CT, Rockland, Westchester, NE PA, and most of NJ.  (We
don't adopt to NYC) E-mail me if you're interested :-)
[Posted in FML issue 3186]