I want to thank Rebecca for addressing Dr. Rosenthals' article to Dr.
Williams and to say a special, "God Bless you Dr. Williams" for placing
the welfare of our beloved ferrets above possible personal and professional
conflicts with colleagues.
It has been our experience that "nonintervention" is another way of saying,
"do nothing." At this point, I must reprint this portion of Dr. Williams
"I will always advocate intervening, to preserve life and quality of life.
We have now both surgical treatments as well as medical treatments.  To
wait for peer-reviewed unbiased studies is to condemn untreated animals
to at least a compromised life, at worst, an unnecessary death.  My oath
as a veterinarian prevents me from doing or advocating this."
As I read this statement, I found myself rising to my feet, tearing and
cheering.  Thank you for putting into words what so many others are afraid
to say.
Dr. Williams' reply also needs to be published in "Veterinary Practice" in
an effort to recant the expressed "Do Nothing" approach to adrenal ferrets.
For the fuzzies,
Rick White, Director,
San Antonio area Ferret Enthusiasts (SAFE)
[Posted in FML issue 3186]