A first for Ferret PAWS - Wellington - MINI FROLIC 2000 - ALL WELCOME
October 15, 2000 - 1pm to 5pm approx.
Belmont Memorial Hall, Lower Hutt (Next to Belmont School).  Look for the
sign on Fairway Drive (between the Kennedy Good Bridge and the Western Hutt
Road; other side of Kennedy Good Bridge to Avalon Park).  Follow the right
hand road.
This is a social event.  A chance for ferret owners to meet and greet.  The
event is organised by Ferret PAWS (NZ) Inc.  - Wellington Region, but is
open to all ferret owners.  Ferret owners may enter their ferrets into a
number of fun events (eg. tube races) to be held throughout the afternoon
for small prizes (No entry fee!).  A merchandising stand will be available
to purchase ferret goodies (let us know if you would like a space at the
stand).  A raffle for almost $200 worth of ferret goodies will be held,
there will be a nail trimming service, a ferret fun area and ferrets
looking for special humans to adopt them.  The general public, family and
friends are welcome to attend, observe and learn more about the domestic
ferret and Ferret PAWS.  Ferrets of a known placid nature will be available
to pat and hold.
For an information pack and entry form or to learn more about Ferret PAWS,
please contact:
David Holender,
Ferret PAWS (Wellington Region) Coordinator
Ph. (04) 560 5760 (wk)
Ph. (04) 577 0917 (hm)
eMail: [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3186]