>From:    Jessica Brigham <[log in to unmask]>
>I was wondering if anyone takes any measures to clean their ferrets' teeth
>themselves between vet cleanings.  I would like to do this, as I'm sure it
>can't hurt to try :)  Maybe a baby toothbrush?  A washcloth?
I clean my ferrets teeth once a week or so (when I do nail trims and ear
cleanings as well...) I used to use kitten toothpaste and a soft rubber
brush that slips over your finger (very gentle and good for control) which
I got from Petco.  I have also heard folks recommend rubbing their teeth
with a piece of guaze wrapped around your finger.  I talked to my vet
because Jules' teeth were in real bad shape and he gave me the best method
I've found yet.  I'm not at home so I can't remember the name of the stuff,
I'm sorry.  It's a blue flavorless gel I got from the vet for about $7 and
it lasts me forever.  I use it on the cats and ferrets.  It has to be kept
in the fridge.  You just deposit one drop on their back teeth and it works
its way around their mouth.  It does a great job and is so easy on the
ferrets, it only takes a second and they barely notice!!
[Posted in FML issue 3185]