A friend of mine who is a student at MIT (Cambridge, Massachusetts) told
me last night that a bunch of ferrets were received at her lab or a nearby
lab, and that these ferrets are considered extra, not needed for any
experiments.  According to her, the people responsible for these ferrets
at MIT would like to see them get good homes, but if this does not happen,
it's likely that they wuold be euthenized.  I have _no idea_ how many
ferrets may be there, how old they are, where they're from, or really any
other information other than what I've said above, but I would be more than
happy to put any interested parties in touch with my friend, and hopefully
something can be worked out...
I've copied MaFF on this email, though I know the shelters are bursting
here in Massachusetts right now :(
Regina Harrison  [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
       The walls and the ceiling are painted in blood
       The lights go down, the red curtains come apart
    The room is full of smoke and dialogue I know by heart
          And the coins in my pocket jingle-jangle
[Posted in FML issue 3185]