HI all Jerimiah here!
Wow the neatest thing is happening-- just as my buddy's left to go away --
in comes a bunch more.  I am having the time of my life terrorizing them
(so they know I am the boss) and playing and teaching them how to run the
shelter Mom!  Life is good.
The first kid came in a day before the picnic Ferretstock-- you probly
remember him the aromatherapy boy..  Peeee-oooow!  Well they took care of
that problem this week !  He got his tutoring!
Then there are 3 more convicts from a SPCA place... another boy that needed
some schoolin' he got his tutorin class and is he CRANKY!  Man he chews up
the Mom like I never remember doin!  She has been grumbling some over him--
while I smile 'cause I look like an angel now! :)
There is 2 other kids who already went to school before they got here-
guess they got diplomas or something -- kind of neat boys-- one is almost
like me - dark eyes, white body but he doesn't have a brown spot like I
do.-- He also listens to the Mom -- I just play!  The other guy is a neat
boy a silver kid with mittens.  Both of them went to the vets several times
this week-- man- it was crazy 4 days out of the week the schedule for
playtimes was messed up carriers coming in- carriers going out - in all
kids had 7 blood tests, 2 injection treatments, 4 surgeries-- and even
this AM-- they were back at the vets cause the silver boy seems to have
developed an allergy to the iso stuff -- he has a terrible snuffling cough.
So he is taking some yucky pink stuff.  The other white boy is too cause
he nearly scratched his ear off- (the SPCA didn't want him cause he was
scratchin')- Mom cleaned him up took his mitey's away she says he will
be just fine !  Good ,cause I wanna whip the tar out of him chasin' him
through the tubes!  It is kind of nice with a house full of playmates
again... but don't tell Mom that!
The shelter DAD is planning a trip to Maine- maybe he will see my friends
Zippity & Angel!  He is going to take the hammies to Scarborough,ME for a
shelter fun day on Saturday Sept 30.  Shelter Mom is taking a day off the
following week to go to LOSPA show in Croyden, PA -- or somethin' like
that-- She is taking hammocks, ferret afghans and lots of stuff.  I hope
she sells lots cause Christmas is coming - and I want a stocking from
Santa Ferret, last year I just got a letter!
Speaking of that I hope you all come visit us this holiday the shelter
will have a little store with decorations, treats & neat stuff set up next
to the shelter, Saturday Dec 9th.  BUT VISIT US FIRST!!!!  We like lot of
There is some neat new stuff on ebay-- and some special halloween gift
sets coming this week I understand.  So if you are hankering to see what
the ladies came up with for neat stuff search the auctions at ebay for
They got lots of stuff appliqued towels, more tee shirts, hammies books etc
there.  My favorites are:
Totally Ferret food for Sr's ( i think it's like cookies)     ends 9/25
Little Critter hammie    ends 9/29
Pumpkin Gift Set w/ Cheweasel's yummy!     ends 10/1
and Ferret Bath Towel    ends 10/2
They sure find lots of neat things hope they make lots of mistakes so we
get new stuff too!  HUgs to all my fanclub-- please feel free to write to
me- sned letters to:
Jerimiah  c/o Ferretwise, PO BOx 561, Marlborough, NH  03455-0561
I would be happy to answer your questions- maybe I should write a column
for the newsletter too!  Oh yeah-- visit the NEW shelter web site at
and remember to change your bookmarks - the folks will be making neat
changes just for you!
Jr Mascot at Ferret Wise Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3184]