Good Morning to ALL,
First and foremost, a SPECIAL PRAYER for all who have lost a fuzzie lately,
my HEART goes out to you!!!!  Also a SPECIAL PRAYER for all the sick and
homeless fuzzies and animals in this CRAZY world!!!!!
I would just like to share the special moments I have with each of my
I love the way he comes up to me and stands up against my leg begging
to be picked up :-) Also the way he climbs into my lap to take a quick
snooze!!! :-)
I love the way he kisses my knuckles.  He is my first ferret and my
My special names for him are, Tazy Boo, Boodle Doo's, Boo Shoe, and Just
Ahh, named aptly, he to has his special moments!!!  I love the way he
gives kisses on the lips and the nose!!!!
I call him my estranged fuzzie!!!  He also loves to wrap his BIG feet
around my ankles but doesn't bite me, he just lays there wrapped around
my ankle :-)
My special names for him are Wayward child, Mr Backwards, Trubb's, Doo Doo
Boy (as he likes to poop anywhere) the Strange one, and BIG FOOT.  He
also holds a SPECIAL place in my heart as I believe he has a learning
disability!!!! :-)  He is my second fuzzie!!!!
My only little girl!!!!!  Such a sweetness in her!!!!  She LOVES to give
kisses on the lips and likes to be held and stroked on the head.  I love
the way she squints her eyes when I'm petting her!!!!
She LOVES to do hand to hand battle with me when she is in play mode!!!!!
She also beats the boy's up :-) You go Girl!!!!  Her special names are,
Roses, Rosy Posey, Sweety Girl, Miss Prissy, the Dainty one, and Tweety
Pie!!!  She is my third fuzzie.
Baby Joey-
Ahh the 4.5lb fuzz!!!!  Oh what a sweety!!!!  I love the way he gives
kisses, on my eye lids and ear lobes!!!! :-)
He will come up to me and lay his head on my foot when he wants to be
picked up.  He loves to be held, (I think because he is too fat to move
around much) :-)  When he runs he looks like a bowl of jello!!!!  His
special names are, Moose, Funny Bunny, Joey Boey, Fat Boy, Sweety Petey,
and The 4.5lb Fuzz.  He is the last for now!!!!
Dawn, and the Terrible Two's Gang, Tazy, Trouble, Rosy, and the 4 lb
fuzz, Baby Joey
[Posted in FML issue 3184]