Last week, Taero, Chook's best buddy, was scampering in the kitchen,
fighting over a piece of red licorice and happy and bouncing and dancing...
I was holding him and cuddling him, giving him wet slobbery kisses even
though he never really seemed to enjoy them....
Today I hold only his memories of the precious boy he once was....
Taero was adopted, along with Chook, from the local SPCA.  Apparently, the
two boys, only about a year old, were left behind in a condo, with the
family dog, and were found a week or so later by the landlord.  The owners
had just off and run out on the rent and left their animals behind.  At
least they were kind enough to leave food and water.
I named Taero based on two things... he was bubbly (in personality) like an
Aero chocolate bar and he loved to tear about the house.  Chook's name came
from the sound he made.
Taero has been one of those ferrets that never wanted to be cuddly although
on a rare occasion one could hold him for a short period of time.  He knew
our daily routines well and had us well trained.
Two nights ago, for the first time in all of Taero's life, he seemed a
little depressed.  We both noticed that he seemed to be drinking an awful
lot of water.  We saw him eating and then totter off to one of the drawers.
In the morning we saw him come out, and flop and he did not look good.  I
checked him over... he was bloated and dehydrated.  I give him sub-q's
and meds.  Hubby gave him one of his now famous body massages.
Off the vet we go.  I am hoping that it is only flu but my mind knows that
this is more serious.  His poops now look like pure bile and are sticky.
His poor attempts at getting to the litter box show just how weak he is
getting.  In my mind, the appointment does not come soon enough... The vet
takes x-rays and blood and gives him more fluids.  She tells me to come
back in an hour or so.
I return but with a sense of dread.  My strong exterior quickly cracks when
one of the vets other clients looks at my empty carrier and starts asking
questions.  My tears bring her to tears and we both try to talk of other
things.  Eventually it is my turn to view the results of the radiographs.
My heart bursts...
My poor little man has not responded to any treatment and is slipping
slowly away.  The x-ray shows what looks like a mass coming off the liver
and a weirdly shaped spleen.  The mass is large (almost the size of a golf
ball) and the spleen has a very ragged edge.  The vet gives me the options:
Surgery, but she doesn't think he would make it through; Ultrasound, but no
one could do it tonight; Euthanization, as she felt he would not survive
the night and there was no guarantee that he would last through any other
I go through the options in my mind... an ultrasound seems like the best
bet but Taero has to survive the night and he is already looking poorly.
The traveling to the other vet offices for an overnight stay at the
emergency clinic and then to ultrasound.... what if something were to
happen on the road, which was rush hour and on a long weekend to boot.
I was alone to make the decision.... Seconds feel like minutes.  Minutes
feel like hours.  My mind is torn between giving Taero the 10% chance that
he might survive treatment, or to consider that all of the treatments to
come may only prolong the inevitable.  Alone in my decision as hubby had
to work, I chose to let him go...
Before he crossed over to that heavenly plane, I begged for his
forgiveness... My beautiful boy.  My beloved and funny, Taero.  I hope to
see you again one day, my friend.
Once again nature has shown me that there is no set order for who shall
live and who shall die.  Taero's buddy Chook, has been sick for two years
now.  I was sure that I would lose Chook first... then Taero did what has
happened before... he side swiped me in an instance and now he is gone...
He leaves now only Chook to hold the torch of being the last survivor of
"batch #2".  Bear, whom we lost back in July, was part of the last
remaining trio.
He will always remain in our hearts and memories... The way he loved to
chase the satin Christmas ornaments that all ended up devoid of their
silk... his love of licorice... his love of velcro.... the way he danced...
the way he looked at us as if to say he didn't like the cuddling and kisses
we made him endure.
Good bye my little man... I'm so sorry....
Betty and Her Blur O'Fur
For the love of ferrets...
Sending their love: Akela, Bella, Chook, Cherokee, Lace, Mushu, Ping,
Rayden, Spaz, Sammy, Slim, Thalia, Uh-Oh! In Memory of: Tasha, Tinder,
Titch, Midge, Vincent, Hobbes, Max, Rocko, Smudge, Squeegie and Bear
[Posted in FML issue 3163]