Hi All..
Sandee will you keep an eye out for my Tazz please..  I know that some of
you can relate to how I'm feeling right now..  our oldest Tazz died this
morning about 5:30 or so..
He ate fine yesterday morning and was his normal self..  by the time Mom
came to feed in the afternoon he wasn't feeling well but was alert wouldn't
eat.....ate a little for Mike last night but by the time I got home late
last night I could tell something was seriously wrong..  there are no vets
available here at night..  so called Troy Lynn for advice.. about 1:30 my
poor Tazz started having seizures/strokes and by about 4:30 his breathing
was pretty labored..  he died in my arms this morning..
Tazz came to me on my birthday this year along with 13 others..  a big
beautiful DEW that was quite golden in his 8th year of life..  he had
insulinoma that the lady had not been treating with pediapred and the worst
teeth my vet had ever seen..  he really couldn't walk very well either..
after a round of antibiotics and some pediapred..  Tazz improved
A true gentleman ferret, my Tazzy boy loved to be held..  you see he just
didn't have a whole lot of energy left to be a wild and crazy ferret any
more..  Tazz's idea of a good time was laying on your chest .. stretching
and holding on to you with his front paws.... the best was when he'd roll
over and give this little happy contented sigh....
He loved garden time... laying on the blanket while I watered the garden..
the wind ruffling his fur..  I just hope he knows how much I loved him..
Every night he'd toddle around the family room and then lay by the bean bag
chair... I'd help him in and he'd snuggle down so that the beanbag was all
around him... he'd sleep for hours like that next to me on the couch....
And boy did he love his soup... 3 bowls a days..  you'd wake him up and
he'd lick his mouth just ready to go and lick the bowl nice and clean..
sometimes i thought he'd eat until he popped..
He was such a wonderful little guy..  I'm so glad he came to us..  I just
so very much wish he could have stayed longer...... and I pray that he's
bouncing and happy..  and war dancing away right now..  no cataracts,
insulinoma, healthy and young once more..
Sandy, Mike & Joseph.. and the rest of the Adams Family Ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3183]