[Now read this with exaggerated excitement and aussi accent!]
G'day mates and welcome back to ferret kingdome!  We're gonna be huntin'
cahrpet shahrks again todoy.  I'm on the look out for a chocolate cahrpet
shahrk called Ladius Stoutus.  Once again we foind ourselves at Wolfy's
abode.  We have to be careful to navigoyte around so as to nought disturb
the boy Seanius Stoutus, nor the sable cahrpet shahrk Rockius Stoutus.
Rockius Stoutus had some fe-ro-cious teeth mates!
We can look for Ladius Stoutus in ferret hammocks, or in a couch.  That
bugga can be hard to foind.  LOOK LOOK!!  Here's some evidence of a
cahrpet shahrk now!  OH look at that!  Isn't that amaaaaazing?!  If we
look clowsley we can see a real ferret stash!  Ladius Stoutus is partial
to ferret kongs as well as small books and wrappers.  Okoiy shh mates...
we have to very quiet so we don't scare Ladius Stoutus away... he's a
timid fella.
BLIMEY THERE HE IS!  AW WHUT A BEAU-TY!  Would you look at that!  Look at
those teeth.  And if you listen very carefully, you can hear him chuckle
and dook.  Let's listen now.  Shhhh.  ::at a low whisper:: Ladius is known
for his gorgious coat mates.  See how it shines?  He's a very wily creature
that one is.  Let's jus' sit back and wotch him build his stash up even
more than it already is.
Wasn't that excoitin?!  Oh boy if you thought thaaat was excoitin' then you
need to tune in tomorrow when we go on a search for two koinds of cahrpet
sharhk called Ping and Pong.
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[Posted in FML issue 3182]