Kurt wrote:
>Cheryl posted that she had a friend in California who wanted to know
>where he could obtain a ferret.  The short answer is NOWHERE LEGALLY!
>I can't speak for any ferret shelters in California, but I would
>suggest to your friend that he join one of the organizations lobbying
>for ferret legalization BEFORE getting a ferret.  This would also give
>him an idea of what problems he might expect for owning an illegal
pet. >Ferrets are wonderful, and it's wonderful that someone wants to
join >the world of ferret owners, but living in a place where they are
>illegal makes it a little trickier.  It will be interesting to see
>California perspectives on this.
I can't speak for anyone else in California, either.  But I'll add my 2
cents.  I think when anyone is considering buying a new pet, including a
ferret, that they have an obligation (and should want) to learn as much
as they can about that animal.  In the case of ferrets, since many vets
don't know much about them, regardless of where one lives, it is the
responsible thing to do to find a vet who is knowledgeable about (and in
the case of CA is willing to treat) ferrets *before* buying one.
And I agree, one should learn the negatives as well as the positives of
owning ferrets before adopting one.  And sure, it would be great to join
some groups here to talk to other people about owning ferrets in CA.
As far as purchase, my friend who has ferrets got one in-state and 3 out of
state.  It has never been a problem to own them- he had one vet turn him
down when he asked if they treated ferrets, but his current vet has some
other regular ferret clients, and there have never been any other problems.
They sell a pretty good variety of ferret food, toys, accessories, etc.  in
ALL pet stores here (kind of funny... some of the items are always cleaned
out when we get there... hmmm).  We have taken them out in public several
times- which of course is totally up to the discretion of the owner, and
I'm not necessarily recommending this- please don't flame me about that.
(In fact, I asked the director of a shelter/rescue operation here what she
thought about telling people he has ferrets or taking them out in public
and she said that, in her opinion, the CDFG does not go actively looking
for ferret owners as long as you don't make a huge deal out of it- again,
just one person's opinion).  There has never been a problem with taking
them out and, in fact, we've gotten many chances to educate other people
about ferrets because they approach us to look at and pet them.  There are
many misconceptions about ferrets out there (as you all know), and whenever
one of them comes up, we explain the truth and dispel the myths.  One lady
asked if his sable was an otter and if he lived in the water :D.
Anyway, I'm not recommending anything one way or the other for people in
CA.  Everyone has to weigh all the positive and negative issues of owning
ferrets (which includes the legal issue, but also many other issues to
consider).  Obviously, I think ferrets are great and make wonderful pets.
The legal issue would not stop me from owning ferrets.  What stops me is
that I live in a small, stuffy apartment and I don't spend enough time at
home to have pets.  Personally, I think unless I had a lot more time and
lived in a cooler place where they could run around all the time, it would
be completely irresponsible of me to own ferrets.  I get mad when people
own pets and don't spend enough time with them.  So I spend a lot of time
at my friend's house and enjoy taking care of and playing with his 4, who
have the run of half the house all day, air conditioning (it's been over
100 degrees here this week), and the time of two people to play with them.
Someday, I hope to be the proud owner of my own "babies", but for now,
I'll just be happy being an aunt.
-J in CA
[Posted in FML issue 3182]