>From:    "Bradley, Pete" <[log in to unmask]>
>Does anyone have a ferret who likes being in the cage more than out?
>Pixel will sometimes wake up and look at me as if he wants to get out and
>play.  When I take him out of his cage and set him on the floor, he plays
>for a bit then jumps on the futon, walks across the desk and hops back in
>his cage for a light snack and a nap.
My ferrets do seem to love their cage quite a bit.  They go back in there
while out playing to get a snack and a drink, and to use the litter box
when they are being good :)  And they play in there and will go back for a
nap when they get sleepy.  Obviously this makes me very happy, to know
they love their home :)
[Posted in FML issue 3181]