Cheryl posted that she had a friend in California who wanted to know where
he could obtain a ferret.  The short answer is NOWHERE LEGALLY!  I can't
speak for any ferret shelters in California, but I would suggest to your
friend that he join one of the organizations lobbying for ferret
legalization BEFORE getting a ferret.  This would also give him an idea
of what problems he might expect for owning an illegal pet.  Ferrets are
wonderful, and it's wonderful that someone wants to join the world of
ferret owners, but living in a place where they are illegal makes it a
little trickier.  It will be interesting to see California perspectives
on this.
Kurt & Sara Petersen
FURRY (Ferrets Underfoot RUnning Round You)
Help raise money for the shelter!  Click on
[Posted in FML issue 3181]