I have been away from the computer for a few days, due to illness, but I
wanted to say that I also feel Kat is great!  Even when Kat disagrees with
something, she does not flame and instead she will email you with her side
of the story - not personal attacks.  AMEN to Kat!  I wish everyone on this
list behaved this way, but such is life.  I admire Kat for this and also
for the wonderful work she does for ferrets.  You go girl!
Troy Lynn is another person on this list that has a huge heart!  I am so
sorry to hear about Sunny, but I am sure Sunny had a very happy life and
was very lucky to have such a loving, giving, hooman.  You are in my
thoughts and prayers :)
I have almost given up on the hope of ever getting the newest addition
integrated with the others.  It appears hopeless and I have tried
everything I can think of.  The only thing I have not attempted is taking
him to a friend's house for playtime with their ferrets.  This will be the
next step and perhaps over this coming weekend.  I have bonded with the
little guy and don't want to part with him but he is just not a
ferrets-ferret.  He wont play with them and only wants to be around hoomans
(literally, follows me everywhere).  I fear that he is missing out on the
usual ferret things and that he is bored and lonely without me around all
the time.  He is only one year old and I thought it would be easy at this
age to integrate him with others who are the same.  No such luck.  Although
I don't want to part with him, I may have to, and then it would be to a
household where he is the ONLY one.  It breaks my heart, but it is so
difficult to take them out in "shifts" and I honestly don't have four
extra hours to sit and play with him by myself.  If anyone has some
tips/experience with this, please share.  I just don't know what else to
do.  The one ferret that I thought he was bonding with, suddenly decided
that he wants no part and now attacks him whenever he is out - both are
descented.  This is not playtime it is vicious.  Other than that...
Everyone have a safe and happy holiday weekend!
[Posted in FML issue 3162]