There are no more to adoptables, no more to foster.
The doors are closed.  Where did I go wrong?
I provided all I could giving everything I could.
I sacrificed all I had so they would have a place to come to
and feel welcome and at home.  Where will they go now?
I took them in irregardless of their faults.  I gave of all
my love.  But now the vet will no longer treat ferrets.  I
can't jeopardize them by not having a knowledgeable vet.
What did I do wrong?
I worry there will no place for them to go.  I worry and cry.
But I can find no answers just more questions and doubts.
Where did I go wrong?
I see the empty cages from all the crossings and the last
ones that were placed, and I cry.  How did I fail them?  To
whom will they go?
Sacrifices were made to make ends meet, but without a vet I
can afford to pay, where will they go?
If a call comes to me, what am I to do; say "No."  That's
just not possible.  What will I do?
Where did I go wrong?  What did I do wrong?   Why did it
happen to me?   For now, I too, come with baggage. . .empty
cages, unused water dishes and food dishes. . .and doubts,
heart ache and pain.
[Posted in FML issue 3179]