I am in the market for a second cage.  I would like it to be about the size
of my Midwest, 2' deep, 3' long, 4' high but much more ferret friendly.
My Midwest is a great cage now but it required many modifications to make
it safe and to fully utilize the space, and I really don't want to do all
of that again.
It seems I have a vague recollection of a cage similar to the Midwest which
has two doors with a full floor mid-way up, and there was some way to
totally close off the top half from the bottom half.  I'm not sure I'm
being clear but I think you could make it two separate smaller cages or
one large cage.  That way, I could separate ferrets who don't get along
or could use just half of the cage for one recovering from surgery.  Does
anyone have a clue what I'm talking about?
I would be interested in any recommendations for good cages about the size
of the Midwest.  I have been looking on the Internet but can't seem to find
exactly what I want.  There are many large ones but they come similar to
the Midwest, with just ramps and small shelves.  I want something that is
basically ready to go.
[Posted in FML issue 3179]