>I can have the ferret but my dad doesn't allow it.  He doesn't know that
>I already have everything except the ferret and I'm afraid to tell him.
>What should I do?  Please help me!
Has your dad seen a ferret at a pet store or shelter?  Perhaps he would
agree to go look at one.  Sometimes that can help get parents interested.
I live with my folks, too, and I have to follow what they say.  I have a
single ferret and a couple years back I got it into my head that I wanted
to get another one.  Unfortunately, my parents didn't agree with me and
said "no."  I told them the good things about having a second ferret (such
as that she would have more company when I'm not with her, two isn't much
more work than one, etc.).  Still, my mom and dad said, "no."  So I dropped
it.  The more you beg and ask, the worse things will be.  If you show
you're mature by handling their yes or no, you will gain their confidence
that you are mature and ready for a pet -- maybe even a ferret.
Also, ask your dad right out, "You won't let me get a ferret...what pet
WOULD you let me get?"  Maybe he will let you have a different pet.  My
parents finally decided on an animal quota -- when one pet dies, I can
replace it with a similar pet (except they said no more ferrets no matter
what...so I know where you're coming from -- but I accepted it, and decided
to just be content with what I have now).
[Posted in FML issue 3179]