The good: My girls and I met their new vet this weekend.  I immediately
liked Dr. T.  Cleo was up for her annual rabies and distemper.  She gave
the shots with 15 minutes in between and let us stay in the room to be
sure there weren't any complications.  Dr. T.  was very affectionate with
my girls immediately, which I appreciated as their mom.
The bad: While I was there, I noticed a small spot on my Gypsy where all
the hair was gone.  I immediately started to panic.  My first thought,
adrenal disease.  So when the Dr. came back I showed it to her and she
said that she doesn't think that it's adrenal because she's a little young,
3 1/2, and also that adrenal disease tends to lose the hair patchy and
in random places.  This was a very specific area.  She thinks it may be
something fungal.  So she did a patch test and I am now on the waiting
game.  It will take 7 to 10 days for the results.  I'm so happy that she
doesn't think it's adrenal, but what about this fungus?  Does anyone know
about this?  My poor baby is scratching and I don't know how to help her
except to help her scratch.  Which she appreciates, I can tell because she
kisses me, which she usually doesn't do very often.
Thanks for listening everyone.  Any information you can give me is greatly
appreciated.  (Sorry so long.)
Sherri (worried mommy)
Gypsy (itch-a-roo girl)
Cleo (clean bill of health girl)
[Posted in FML issue 3179]