Otis and Milo are both about 2 yrs, not current on shots and need a home
urgently.  As the result of a family breakup, their owner is moving to
Florida VERY soon and cannot take them with him.  he is desperate to find
these guys a good home, if Uk quarantine laws were not so severe I would
have them here.
They are currently in Lewisburg West Virginia, I am unsure as to what
travel arrangements can be made for them.  they come with a cage..  i
think it is a 3 storey one.  there are some hazy pics of them on my
website url is below.
This has to be arranged by 26th Sept, as the guys father cannot care for
them after he leaves, and I fear that they will be destroyed or set loose,
as he has said he will not look after them.  can anyone help?  please reply
directly to Jason [log in to unmask]
The pics are at http://www.furkidz.org.uk/friends.htm they are only screen
grabs from a webcam....
For anyone who wondered why" furkidz" seems to have been abandoned, I had
some domestic upheaval which Bubbles is helping me get through, normal
service will be resumed soon, and in amongst all this, I got a new machine,
but the transfer didnt go well and I lost my outlook express address
book... any old friends care to drop me a "hi type" mail so I can get them
back in the book ??
thanks.... Cris Page 'n' Bubbles (and our thanx on behalf of Otis and Milo)
+44 (0)7967 845528 (Mobile)
www.furkidz.org.uk   (all about my li'l Warweezil and his cousins...)
Icq #7988247
[Posted in FML issue 3179]