I fear my carriage is about to turn into a pumpkin.  I am about to put in
some heavy hours so that I can take off of work for the day to try to
attend The Greatest Show On Earth in Chicago.  I may take some time to get
back to everyone.
None of us have received or found any documented and published scientific
studies performed by Marshall Farms.  I will leave it up to you to discover
something as specific as this on this subject.  If you cannot find
evidence--the medical journal and study-it is best not to bring up research
by Marshall Farms at all when you write to your Congress person.
The documentation on the atrocities of Marshall Farms-the puppy mill-are
found throughout the years, and are most serious.  I thank all of you for
your help in locating articles and sharing your experiences and thoughts.
I was delighted to read on our FML that part of the discussion of ferrets
at FML 2000 concerned international lobbying for ferret protection from
puppy mills and other inhumane situations.
The first step in solving any problem is realizing that there REALLY is a
problem.  I think the documentation is clear and sufficient to show that
there is indeed a serious problem with the puppy mill Marshall Farms.  The
next step is deciding what to do.
My nephew is writing a report for his class on Marshall Farms and going to
bring Sunny in.  Sunny is the little guy who still had his eyes closed and
could not eat kibble when he was neutered, taken away from Mom, and sold to
a pet store.  He could not even walk.  In fact, he cried like a baby.  His
paper work and two blue tattoos in his ear were all significant in
We are also boycotting Marshall Farms products.  And, we are spreading the
word.  I go to various pet stores and make rounds.  I will now have printed
material taken off the web on the horrible conditions surgery is performed,
the lack of a vet for the thousands of ferrets during surgeries, and the
"numerous" sharp jagged metal wires poking from out of the cages, where
ferrets appeared to be "swimming."  Etc.
I am working with some of you on a letter to send to our Congress people
that represent us.  Many of you have written and shared your plans with me.
Keep up the good cause: in the name of all ferrets.
Thank you for all of the evidence you have shared with me- we can now
clearly see- showing inhumane treatment of our beloved companions by the
puppy mill-Marshall Farms.
[Posted in FML issue 3178]