Dear FML:
I did not attend today Sunday so hopefully someone who did will post with
a review of the mornings activities.
For those of you who want more info on the video tape from yesterday...
like when will it be ready and how much will it cost please email Randy
Belair at
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I signed up for my copy yesterday and I hope it will be available soon
as I want to review it for myself to refresh my memory of a great and
informative day and than I want to lend it to my vet.  I expect it will
be a very long video as Dr. Williams alone talked for over three hours
but it went so fast and was so interesting no one noticed and in fact we
went overtime on speakers because no one wanted to let him go.  Great
stuff from all the speakers that day.
Several folks commented that this is a forum that needs to be repeated ...
it would be nice if it could be every year so we could all be up to date
on the latest breaking info on ferrets -specially medical but I suspect it
was a huge amount of work for the organizers but anyone who decides to pick
up the torch can certainly expect to build on the attendance of this past
weekend in Toronto.  When folks view the video and see the calibre of
speakers and the quality of info that was made available I feel it is safe
to say the next international gathering of ferret lovers will have an even
larger group in attendance.
I want also to point out that it was really great to meet and talk with
folks who up until now I only "saw" on the FML.
There really is something special about people who are owned by ferrets.
It was amazing.
[Posted in FML issue 3178]