There are a few of us that are confused concerning writings on the FML..
Over the last few years, it has been written on the FML that the research
done by Marshall Farms has given us so much info on ferrets?  We cannot
find any indication on the web that the puppy mill does ANY research.
There is plenty of documentation of the terrible conditions there.  We
realize from reading the various USDA citations ,and from the News Reports
documented that hundreds of thousands of ferrets have been kept isolated
in small cages or jammed so that ferrets seem to swim over one another in
cages that they cannot walk in because of the wiring, the rusted sharp
metal poking out into the cages,and that the ferrets forced to breed over
and over again have lives and deaths we could not want to imagine.  We know
lots of horrible stuff.
But where, please, is the information on the experiments they perform?
As people on the FML appear to be writing about the good research done by
Marshall Farms, could someone please point out where they have gained this
information?  I know Big wants us to back up our statements on the puppy
mill.  I don't see , nor can I find, any substantiation for the claims-as
we are understanding them.
I think it is important that we fully understand what this puppy mill does
if we are going to write to Congress and not look silly or frivolous.  If
they are also performing experiments, I think it is important for us to
learn about them.  If they are just selling hundreds of thousands of
ferrets and Beagels for research on things like toxicolgy, which is what
I read in one of the articles--pouring toxic substances on them or in
them-....... That is completely different than performing valuable
Where are their research facilities??  What have they through their own
research personally acheived for the ferret thus far?
My posts had nothing to do with research, but with the conditions at the
puppy mill -particularly for the ferrets breeding until they are disposed
Thank you
[Posted in FML issue 3177]