I am just wondering if anyone else has seen behavior like this & if they
know what it means.
Hawk & Gator first came here at 9 weeks old & intact.  They were slowly
introduced to the others.  Nothing happened when introduced to the two that
would be their cage mates & are the same age, Polky & Sota.  Nothing when
intro'd to Bart.  George wanted to kill them.  The girls were not happy
with them either.
However when they met Max, they did the oddest thing I have seen.  They
both ran up to him & without even a sniff, they laid right next to him &
rubbed their bodies on him.  No fighting.  When he went into a nest box
they followed & continued to rub on him & then went to sleep.
I don't have all those intro's in order.  They met Polky & Sota first &
then Max & Sam & then so on.  So it wasn't like they were worn out from
meeting the others & fighting & so on.  It was first thing in the morning
so they were fully energized.  After a short nap with Max, they were
tearing around here like crazy.
After that initial meeting with Max, I have never seen them do that again.
They have never done it with anyone else here.  Max by the way is MF, &
healthy, wasn't the oldest or youngest male.
Lynn & Clan War Weasels
[Posted in FML issue 3137]