[Posted in 3 parts, combined into one.   BIG]
This email is for Wolfy (and anyone else who is interested, of course).
I looked up some of the ingredients in the ferret "de-stinker" product
you listed.  My source is the "Consumer's Dictionaries" by Ruth Winter,
M.S. ... specifically, the one on Medical Ingredients, and the one on
Food Additives.  (I paraphrased, to avoid copyright problems).
Here goes:
Aspartic Acid - A nonessential amino acid
Threonine - The last essential amino acid to be discovered (1935).
Prevents fat buildup in the liver.  Naturally occurring in whole eggs,
casein, skim milk, and gelatin.  On the FDA list for further study.  GRAS
(Generally Recognized As Safe).
Serine - A nonessential amino acid.  On the FDA list requiring further
Glutamic Acid - A nonessential amino acid.  Comes in the form of a
white, nearly odourless, crystalline powder.  It has been used as a salt
substitute, to treat epilepsy, and to correct low stomach acid.  Generally
manufactred from vegetable protein.  Used to impart meat flavor to foods.
Used with hydrochloride to improve the taste of beer.  GRAS.
Glycine - Nonessential amino acid, usually derived from gelatin.  In 1992,
the FDA issued a notice that glycine had not been shown to be safe and
effective as claimed in OTC digestive-aid products.
Alanine - Derived from protein, appears as colourless crystals.  Believed
to be a nonessential amino acid.  It is used in microbiological research,
and as a dietary supplement in the L and DL forms.
While the FDA allows it to be used without restriction in food, it has
been found in research to cause cancer of the skin in mice, and tumors
when injected into their abdomens.
Valine - An essential amino acid.  Present in the largest quantities in
fibrous protein.  Valine is essential for growth and nitrogen balance.
The FDA has requested further study of this nutrient.  GRAS.
Methionine- An essential amino acid not synthesized in the human body.
Use in special dietary foods and in animal feeds (in fats).  GRAS.
Isoleucine - An essential component of human nutrition.  While not
synthesized in the human body, it is a product of almost every protein.
Isolated commercially from beet sugar.  GRAS.
Leucine - An essential amino acid for human nutrition.  Not manufactured in
the body, and commercially manufactured from gluten, casein, and keratin.
Has a sweet taste.  FDA says it needs further study.  GRAS.
Tyrosine - While this is a widely distributed amino acid, it is termed
nonessential since it doesn't appear to be necessary for growth (in
humans).  Used as a dietary supplement.  FDA has called for further
study.  GRAS.
Phenylamine - Maybe you meant phenylalanine?  Phenylalanine is an essential
amino acid.  It is not synthesized in the human body, but is necessary for
human growth.
Histadine - Maybe you meant histidine?  Histidine is one of the basic,
essential amino acids used as a nutrient, and is soluble in water.  FDA
says it needs further study.  GRAS.
Lysine - This is an essential amino acid isolated from blood, casein, and
fibrin.  Manufacturers use it for food enrichment for wheat-based foods.
The Lysine improves the food's protein quality and results in improved
growth and tissue synthesis.  On the FDA list for further study.  GRAS.
Arginine- A strongly alkaline essential amino acid, given for liver
deficiency.  Plays an important role in the synthesis of urea for
excretion.  The FDA wants further study on this.  GRAS.
Cysteine - An essential amino acid derived from hair.  Cysteine is soluble
in water, and used in bakery products as a nutrient.  Has also been used
to promote wound healing.  FDA wants further study.  GRAS.
Proline - An amino acid which is used as a supplement, but classified as
non-essential.  Usually isolated commercially from wheat or gelatin.  GRAS.
Hope that helps!
- Ela
   (000)___(000)        Ela Heyn
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[Posted in FML issue 3147]