Hi all!
Just a quick post to let you know about a nifty, cost-effective solution
to moved litter boxes (and the poops behind them)!  First off, we have a
laminate floor (Formica) in the ferrets' room.  This won't work with
carpet.  It'll work with wood, laminate, vinyl, whatever.
We have two litter boxes outside the cage.  They are the rectangular
high-back kind.  At the grocery store this week Jay & I looked in the
fix-it section (glue, etc) and found "Mounting Putty".  Jason thought we
could give it a try to make it more difficult for the ferrets to slide the
litter box away from the corner.  It was 4 sticks for $1.99.  Elmer's makes
some too, but it's orange and it's half the quantity for the same price.  I
don't recall who makes the stuff we bought.  I took a stick of the putty
(it's white) and pulled it apart into 4 pieces, and stuck globs of it to
the bottom of the litter box at each corner.  Press firmly onto the floor,
and WAH-LAH!  The kids are going nutso trying to move the darn things!
<eg> It says on the package safe for wood, etc so I am assuming it's ok for
the Formica.  I'll check on it when we empty the litter boxes to make sure
it's not leaving a residue or anything.  It's not sticky, it's just sort of
tacky.  It's what some teenagers might use to hang posters on the walls of
their bedrooms ;O) I hope this helps anybody out there!  Jay thought I
should post and share the wisdom.
Updates: Miya's exploratory/adrenal surgery is on Friday, and I should have
pics of Joey up on the website soon.  Thanks to everyone who replied to my
post about Joey's anti-social behavior ;O) Many people said it could take
several months for him to fully integrate.  I'm not going to give (him) up,
he's staying here either way.
The funniest thing happened yesterday morning.  I hear Joey screaming as
usual *sighs* and it's pretty bad so I go upstairs to check it out.  Miya
is huffing around with her tail poofed (with what's left of the hair that
is) and Joey is next to their "tent".  Tazzums (Rascal) is poofed too, and
each time Miya lunges at Joey, Tazzums jumps between the two and breaks it
up (he's been doing this lately, sometimes he'll scruff Miya and pull her
away from Joey - too cute).  Soon Joey is in front of the tent, and Tazzums
literally forces Joey into the tent then stands right in front of the
opening, like he's guarding it or something!  TOO FUNNY!  I think of all of
them, Tazzums is the one Joey tolerates best, but they don't play together.
BTW they don't have separate cages, since they have free roam of their
room.  Joey has his hiding spots (like the tent) and we feel that "forcing"
them to interact will work a lot better than separating them for [1/2]
the day.  If it turns out Joey isn't happy after a few months, we'll get
another cage and do play shifts.  Ok, quick post turned into long
post...must wrap it up.  Much love to sick or injured fuzzies, & to the
parents who've lost their furkids.
*hugs n' dooks*
Amy & the innocent criminals
Visit Miya, Nina, Rascal, Jack, Joey, and Koty the doggie @
[Posted in FML issue 3146]