>I've had a relatively recent experience whereby an adopted ferret took
>almost 3 months before being accepted into the group (in fact I posted
>a similar post to you to the FML).
I wouldn't worry to much about a new ferret being accepted into the group.
When we first got our newest little girl which was about 4 months ago I
was also worried about her getting along with our 2 other girls especially
since they had pretty much been raised together so they were very bonded.
Well it took time and it took a lot of patience on our part especially
since I newest addition was deaf and had never been around other ferrets.
We took it very slow kept them separated and then little by little we let
them have contact through their cages or through the gate we had up to
separate them..........also once in awhile I would introduce our baby to
one of the originals by holding her and holding one of the others this went
on for over a month.  I then introduced them one on one which is wehre the
fun started.  Our deaf baby was terrified and she screamed every time one
of them would come near her.  This went on for awhile also till one day
with the advice of another ferret owner/shelter owner I decided to put all
3 in a room and close the door with me inside to supervise.  I have to say
it wasn't a pretty sight but we did this everyday for several weeks after
that I just let them all out together and if they got into a fight I would
let it go until I thought our new baby was getting hurt or terrified.  Now
they all get along yes sometimes they have their fights but that is natual
and I think one of the reasons that happens is because our little deaf baby
really doesn't know how to play she thinks it is an aggressive act and she
fights back.  She also will scream like she was dying a lot of times.  I
would go running looking for her only to find her not even in contact with
one of the others but she was still screaming.  Now they fly through the
house playing and having fun.  A couple of weeks ago I started letting them
sleep in the same cage during the day when I was up.  With the exception
of a few fights it has worked out great.  They now all 3 sleep together
and for the last 2 nights I have let them stay in the same cage with no
problems.  So it looks like we will be remodeling our two cages and
connecting time together for more room................ I'm sorry this was
so long but I just want everyone to know that with time and patience new
fuzzies will be accepted into the group.  So hang in there and best of
luck to you and your cuties :)
DianeK,wiggles,cocoa,cleo and daddy too!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3146]