Don't assume no medical treatment means no medical care in Mike Janke's
adrenal survey.
Many ferrets are too old or have other problems that make them poor
surgical candidates.  Many ferret owners live in areas where vets have
little or no experience with adrenal surgeries.  In some areas, the cost
of surgery is extremely high.  Lydrosen is often counterindicated due to
concurrent insulinoma.  Lupron is still a very new drug, and most vets
never heard of it, besides it's being very expensive.
Many adrenal ferrets are naked but otherwise act healthy and happy and
continue to do so for many months.  Would you risk that beloved pet's life
in the hands of an inexperienced vet?
There are valid reasons for not treating adrenal symptoms.  But hopefully
these will dwindle as more medical options become available, and as vets
and ferret owners become more knowledgeable about them.
Linda Iroff
Oberlin OH
[Posted in FML issue 3145]