I have two ferrets: Onyx, about five months old, and Cotton, about 20
months old.  I bought a new bag of Totally Ferret last Friday, and Cotton
won't eat it!  Onyx thinks the new TF is ok, though.  The new TF does have
a different scent, maybe a little fishy.  According to the information
posted on the FML, the bag should be OK; it's manufacturing lot GOR19A,
expiring 19 Oct 2001.  I normally feed a 50/50 mix of TF and Iams Kitten,
and Cotton isn't too keen on the Iams anymore, either.  So, I need some
ideas on what else I can try.  I've already tried Zupreem; Onyx liked it,
but Cotton only ate about 10 pieces total.  I'm trying 8-in-1's Ultimate
right now, but I'm not too hopeful.  I've also separated the two, so I can
tell whether Cotton is really eating, or just being a brat!  I also used to
feed Cotton Science Diet Feline Growth, but I discovered she didn't like
the shape of it.  I managed to get Cotton to take some Gerber Chicken baby
food from my finger, but only about 1cc total.  She wasn't to excited about
the chicken baby food, so I'm going down the line: lamb, veal, and turkey.
I have even tried drizzling some Ferretone on the new food, but that didn't
fool Cotton for a second!  I'm not extremely concerned about her health
(yet), she weighed 966 grams at her rabies vaccination two weeks ago, and
she's still playing hard with Onyx.
[Posted in FML issue 3144]