I was reading that somebody painted there Gizmo to look like there ferret.
I don't remember who did that and I can't find the list it was on.  I was
just wondering what did you use to paint Gizmo, what kind of paint.  I want
to touch my Gizmo up a bit..add a little bit of white under the neck.  I
didn't know that Gizmo sticks his tongue out...how cute.
Gizmo and Razor are sure a great buy and the box is neat too.  I got the
last one at Kay Bee by me.  I also got Runner the other day.  Runner is
much cuter in person, I saw a pic of Runner on the computerbefore.  He is
so cute.
Well prayers and dooks to all the ferts and their parents!!
Laura and Banx
[Posted in FML issue 3144]