To all who took the time to relate the story of Sandee, thank you.
I knew the story of the Bridge.......and.......I would like to think
treasured pets from my past are there waiting for me........
Ginger, an ol' ugly quarter horse who did it all..........
Pepper, a mutt-spaniel I got for my 14th b-day (gee, can that REALLY be 40
years ago??)
Dolly, my first ferret, confiscated from son's GF........and infected me
with a serious case of *ferret math*
Comforting thoughts.................
Diane I.  (Cisco, 2Sox, Gabby, Felicia, Velvet, Tessa, Cleo and the 4 furry
terrorists...Polly, Molly, Hope and Glory)
[Posted in FML issue 3143]