Hey there, my baby also decided that her best spot for a hidey hole was
under my boyfriend's bed in the box spring.  Having had another ferret
years ago, I knew they did such things and we did not get too concerned
because it is not a normal box springs that she should get caught up in
(I wouldn't let her do something that could kill or seriously hurt her).
But, she started to claw at the foam and we did not want her to digest it,
so we had to decide what was our next step!!  Ah-ha!  We figured it out...
We went to TJMaxx and bought a cheap ($2.99) clearance tablecloth (one side
vinyl and one side that soft cottony material) then off to Lowe's to buy
a staple gun and staples.  What we did was turn the box spring over and
vacuumed out the food, miscellaneous candy wrappers she must have stolen
from the trash and bits of foam she had clawed off.  We then placed the
table cloth on the bottom of the bed (vinyl side down towards the center
of the bed) and staple gunned the heck out of it onto the frame so that
she couldn't get through any inch of it.  I think she was a bit sad about
her hidey hold being hidden, but she made a new one under his dresser!
*smiles* That's how we fixed that little problem...now only if she would
stop hiding all of our shoes (making us late to work).
Dooks and Kisses,
Rochelle and Mahwah (a lean, mean, digging machine)
P.S.  We put the vinyl side in because she likes to scratch at plastic...
she likes the sound of it.  So we tried not to make it appealing to her!!
[Posted in FML issue 3143]