First, I had meant to write to all who wrote to me regarding my ferrets
smelly ears!  Unfortunately, my Netscape crashed and I lost all of my
email (among other things).  It turned out that most of you were right..
it was ear wax and not mites!
I do however, have another question to ask....just before i took the guys
in to get their ears checked, Punkin became ill.(She just turned 6 in July)
She was eating (marshall's ferret food), and began to choke..this has
happened before as she has a tendency to wolf her food down.  This time
though she began to throw up...and she wouldn't stop throwing up!  I could
not get anyone to take me in right away so the vet advised me over the the next day, Punkin had gone from 2.25 lb to just a tad over a
pound!  She was dehyrated somewhat, no temp.  They sub q'd her and also did
blood insulinoma which was their first guess, no lymphoma which
was their second.  They suspect she might be starting with adrenal disease
because they see a little lost hair on the rump (honestly, I do not see
any bald areas but I'll defer to the vet on this).  All blood tests were
normal.  They really aren't certain what the problem is...they put her on
an antibiotic and she immediately began to perk up..much more alert, active
(although still tires easily), more normal self.  They said she might also
have a GI problem...they just don't know.  What i am concerned with is
that she is not putting the weight back on.  They had me feed her Hills
prescription diet a/d to bulk her up but it doesn't seem to be doing the
trick.  She is still very scrawny in the rump area and wants to eat
frequently.  Any suggestions?  On what else I can feed her to put some of
the weight back on or what this might be??  I am so worried about
her..especially since all the tests came back normal!
Thanks in advance guys!!
[Posted in FML issue 3143]