Hi all,
Well, Dweezil's results came back.  BG fasting level was 50.  I'm probably
going to opt for surgery in a few weeks (2 at the most) but I want to think
about if I'm doing the right thing.
Anyway, a fellow ferret owner and good friend sent me a link with this
Devil's Club Supreme in it.  It is an herbal supplement for ferrets with
insulinoma.  I was wondering if anyone has tried this, what their results
were, what other options where followed (surgery, prednisone) etc.  etc.
Here is the link if your interested.
I'm exploring all options right now.  I just want is best for him, if that
means not extending his life with surgery so be it.  But I do want him
comfortable and happy.
Thanks guys.
[Posted in FML issue 3139]